Continued with round the table work now started to review the potential characters Marlene and Joyce. Notice a difference in Marlene character from beginning to end, felt that the maturity drops in the final act.
At this point we are considering which roles would be suited, both Liz and I ran through the piece playing both characters. After that I felt that I was drawn to Joyce compared to Marlene, Joyce is Marlene's unsuccessful sister.
To understand a better insight into the setup of the final Act with reviewed the video of Top Girls (1991) directed by Max Stafford-Clark. From this I was able to see the scene acted out, aswell as others interpretations of the scene.
Also I researched into Soap drama especially the scene in Eastenders between Carol Jackson and her son Billie. This gave the impression of a coffee table scenario with the build up of tension.
I wanted to get an idea of the pressures that Joyce was under;
-firstly she is not as well educated as her sister
-she bringing up a child of which isn't hers
-she is a single parent.
-she supports herself and her daughter through four different cleaning jobs.
Compared to her sister who is very much a modern professional woman, a conservative and at that time a supporter of Margaret Thatcher.

Here there is divid between the two sisters, this contrast must be apparent during the performance. The difference between modern independent and the not so.
The Hagen Exercise Character studyWho am I?
My name is Joyce I am in my late thirties, I live near Ipswich. I live with my sixteen year old daughter called Angie. Angie is not my daughter when my younger sister Marlene was seventeen she got pregnant and I said I would look after the child as if it were my own. Angie is an adventurous girl but I do feel she is not focused, especially at school she doesn’t hang around with kids her own age. The only friend I know of is a girl that lives near by called Kit she is twelve.
What time is it?
The year is 1982; Margaret Thatcher has just come into power of the government for 3 years. I don’t rate her a lot but I wouldn’t want to cast my judgment. I don’t understand politics very well as others.
Where am I?
It’s nighttime, Angie is upstairs getting ready for bed. I’m sister at the breakfast table in the kitchen my sister Marlene is opposite me; we are drinking whiskey I am smoking a cigarette.
What surrounds me?
There is a bottle of whiskey that Marlene brought over; she just took it out of her bag. The light from the hall way is shining through onto the kitchen; Marlene is filling up her glass. I have my packet of cigarettes beside my ash tray in the middle of the table. There are some old cigarette buts in the ash tray from earlier on.
What are my given circumstances?
I’m single parent I was married to a man called Frank; he seemed quite protective and didn’t like me to go out. Eventually he left me for a younger woman, I feel deep inside that it was because of Angie but I would never say. Angie’s real mother, Marlene my sister hasn’t been to visit for six years; I hate the fact I gave up my life to raise her child so she good have a life and adventures. Marlene does make me feel guilty sometimes especially when I blame Angie for the lose of my baby through stress. Angie doesn’t know that Marlene is her real mother I have kept it a secret for about sixteen years and have never told her. Unlike Marlene I do not have a well paid job or one that I enjoy, I have four cleaning jobs, it just about gets me and Angie by, I can’t find a better job because I don’t have the qualifications.
What is my relationship?
Marlene is my younger sister, you would expect there to be a close-ness after everything I’ve done but she just doesn’t seem appreciative of it. It angers me as well that I have to make up for what she never does I look after her child, I visit our mother some one who I’m surprised recognized her. She just boasts about how wonderful everything is with money and trips, she says she would help me out but I will just look weak in front of her, she would just love to see me begging.
What do I want?
I want Marlene to understand everything that I have had to give up for the sake of her career and her “glamorous” lifestyle.
What’s in my way?
Marlene turns the blame onto me, it’s always me that is made to feel guilty never her. Every time when I say something she doesn’t want to hear she changes the subject, starts talking about her, or starts crying.
What do I do to get what I want?
Sometimes I don’t always get what I want, Marlene has the ability to out smart me because she smarter then I am. All I know is snapping comments which sometimes hit a nerve however they never quite work and always seem to back fire on to me.
Monologue Hester(Hello and Goodbye) I have found a monologue piece from Athol Fugard's Hello and Goodbye, I have not yet read the piece. However am still trying to find copies.
Key points I have found so far on Hester, early thirties, white, south African. I chose this piece as a chance of discovery of the south african accent, I am not unfamiliar with the accent as my brother law is Afrikans, and comes from a similar location that the play is set.